I learned that credit cards are bad, they can accumulate lots of debt, but in the program I learned that they can be good too or bad depending on how you use them. I also learned about savings accounts vs checking accounts, investments, and owning businesses.

-Princess, Garfield High School

Community Enrichment Fund

This program was specifically tooled to help low-income students discover their voice for their financial future. Our course focused on giving our students the tools to refine their eye for critical thinking in the work of financial planning. Financial literacy for us means preparing students and community members of all ages for the variable changes that occur in the economy. All of the students in our program received a stipend to ensure a foundation to prepare for their futures. After all, how can you teach about money without giving some to the next generation?

Below we have included quotes from our students in the program about what they learned from our time together.

Are cash stipends important to learning about financial literacy to youth?

Pictured- Students receiving their stipends from our Chief Financial Officer.


I think it’s a big help since that’s what we’re learning we could put what we learned into action with the money made


I think it is important to receive stipends because I learn about money and it makes me excited to do something with it, but if I don’t have anything to put into a savings account or to pay off debt or to put into stocks as I learned, my learnings will go away and I won’t remember what I can do with my money.


Yes, because a lot of programs just tell the youth about how to invest their money but never give them money to invest

Do you think it is important to make investing available to people under the age of 18? If So why?

Pictured- Multigenerational Facilitators teaching students curriculum designed by WWU Human Services Intern Share.


Yes, because the youth is the future, which includes the future of money, and many people don’t think we are responsible and don’t give us a chance with money, so we need some people to take that chance with us.


Investing should be available to youth so that we can make harmless mistakes, trial and error experiences now instead of later when we’re all on our own in college and when we move out.


 Yes because it's important to learn things while you are young. When you are an adult it's too late.

What were your key takeaways from this program?

Pictured- Students performing an opportunity cost scenario for the class.


Don’t spend money invest it and also invest in my body because it’s my biggest asset


Appreciation vs opportunity cost, investments, FIRE, dividends


The importance of doing what you love but also paying attention to how much money you make and can get so that you can gain freedom.